Friday, September 30, 2011

Feeling SAD in Alaska

When the seasons change, so can your mood. Depression, low energy levels, weight gain and social isolation are just some of the symptoms that come along with seasonal variations. If some of these signs point to you, you could be experiencing SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and if you reside in Alaska, SAD is even more common.
Although Alaska has the same amount of daylight and darkness during the course of the year as anywhere else on earth, it is distributed differently. During the winter, the days in Alaska are much shorter and above the Arctic Circle, nighttime can last for months! In the same region, daylight in the summertime is similar. Just imagine attempting to sleep at night in the bright sun!

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Being that there is such a variation of light due to the changing seasons, many Alaskans experience SAD; however, there is help.
Phototherapy, often referred to as light therapy is one method of aiding this ailment. During a light therapy session, one will sit near a light box for at least a half of an hour.  According to studies, most patients show improvement within 2-4 days!
If sitting in front of a light box for 30 minutes can bring about such a positive outcome, imagine obtaining the same benefits without have to take time any time out of your day?
By replacing existing light bulbs in your home or office with OttLite bulbs, one can experience the same effects with the advantage of not being confined to one area!
OttLite illumination mimics the sunlight and sufficient evidence suggests that the full spectrum lighting an OttLite bulb emits has similar benefits to a light box.
So, Alaska, instead of living with SAD, why not light up your whole home with the natural, healthy benefits of an OttLite?
Have any comments or suggestions? Feel free to leave them below!
~Charlene Marie

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